International Journal of Social Impact, peer-reviewed journal publishes research papers in the fields of economics, international relations, law, development studies, population studies, political science, history, journalism and mass communication, corporate governance, cross-cultural studies, peace and conflict, library and information science, public administration, psychology, philosophy, sociology, women studies, religious studies, social welfare, anthropology, linguistics, education , management, marketing, finance, banking, accounting, human resources management, international business, hotel and tourism, entrepreneurship development, business ethics and so on. The research that is published may take a theoretical or speculative model as well as statistical and mathematical. Contributions are welcome from all fields which have relevant and insightful comments to make about the various field. While International Journal of Social Impact is the publication of a regional association, it attracts submissions from a wide range of countries.

Chief Editor: Prof. Suresh Makvana, PhD | Managing Editor: Dr. Ankit Patel, PhD



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