Comparative Study

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A study of psycho social conditions of 80 young divorced women residing in 10 villages of Karmsad Taluka, Dist. Anand

Nidhi A. Patel

DIP: 18.02.002/20160101

DOI: 10.25215/2455/0101002

Received: January 07, 2016; Revision Received: February 11, 2016; Accepted: March 25, 2016


In Indian society there are so many types of social problems. In all the problems the divorce is also one of the major social problems. The problem of divorce affected to men, women, children and their family. As a human being the both spouses with each other and also with the family the problem of divorce occurred. The term of divorce known as “dissolution of marriage” divorce means the both spouses departure. There are several social factors strain marriage and leads to divorce. The differences in family background and status of the spouses, family structure, immaturity and age disparity between the spouses are often reported to have strained marital relationship. And the other factors like of lack of understanding, lack of adjustment, sexual adjustment, education gap etc. In current period the problem of adjustment happened in young generation and it’s resulted in divorce. Mostly the problem of divorce seen in scheduled caste. Divorce is one social evil within a short period of marital life. The divorce effect on women which makes her to think as an inferior person. The divorce makes an obstacle on women’s empowerment of scheduled caste women. The divorce affected psychologically and socially to the women’s life. The problem arises due to marital adjustment within the husband in laws. This study was conducted with a view to explore the causes of divorces and the psycho social effects of divorce among women. It has been found that due to adjustment with the spouse and with the in laws. Women faced problem of harassment like mentally torcher and physically harassment by because of suspecting. And the problem or conflict increased and whenever no any solution of the problem both the spouses depart to each other. The both spouses nit adjusted philosophy in life. The problem lead to after divorce psychological and social conditions. After divorce women faced and imbalance in their social and psychological position. Women faced psychological problems like always worried and unable of concentration they loosing temper easily and felt troubled in regular insomnia. They upset in disturbance in routine life. They are feeling loneliness in life. The social problem faced women like parents support in life they not participated in religious and social function. They felt marital life is a women exploitation and they want to become establish their own identity and make a carrier for better future.


In our society Marriage is considered as a permanent lifelong and sacred union. We believe that marriage is a Union made by God himself and hence none should break it Human society is made of groups of all the groups human beings have formed none, can be thought more important than the family. It is a Multi-functional group, which satisfies, basic, physical, mental and spiritual needs of human beings. In Marital relationship done alone two human beings enter into a complete physical, mental and spiritual union with each other. The highest of human ideals, values and qualities namely love, devotion, co-operation and sacrifice are found in the family. Marriage and family are ancient institutions and around them have grown up deep and powerful sentiments and traditions family is an institution founded on the laws to nature it is also am association supporting and supported by every civilization sanctioned by law. The role of family in determining the character and structure and structure of society are accepted by all. Family is the most primary group in the society. Among various forms of family without – children or with a man having different-abode of his own from the women and children or with more than one wife or husband or both, or in which there is the widowed mother with her children or in which there is the single mother with her adopted children etc.

The important institution is formed on another institution, namely, marriage whereas all other. Animals enter into mating relationship human beings go through a procedure of marriage to consider. marriage is union made by god himself and hence none should be break it .it is a union not only for this birth but also for all the births to come marriage, which is the stepping stone to the making of a family, is considered to be the most important legal contact in every human society as it refers to the continuity of race. It implies a most delicate and difficult adjustment of emotional and physical relationship with domestic and economic co-operation. What is the secret of happy marriage is? First of all focus on the positive and not on the positive and not on the negative aspects, of your relationship. It includes taking care, appreciating and taking notice of things to each other. Secondly dividing work is fairly important in a good relationship especially where both partners are working thirdly understand each other fully and accept him/her what he/she is fourthly, both of them should learn to compromise conflicts in marriage cannot be avoided they have to be accepted as a part of married life. A marriage without conflict or disagreements and anger is not truly intimate Relationship but when disagreement or conflict arises then compromise has to be done fifth develop confidence and trust in each other.

Psychological Factors for Divorce:

A spouse’s attitude towards the partner depends among other things on the personality traits. The personality traits are dependent to a large degree on the psychological aspects of the individual such as the attitude to work, ability to maintain calm in times of emergency, the general temperament and the nature of the person. The psychological aspects mound the temperament of the individual and his or her emotional reactions. The temperamental qualities are in turn determined by the qualities can be subdued but cannot be eliminated. Couples who are given to such temperamental traits and sensitivity are prone to abnormal reactions even for small matters. Similarly, when of the spouses has a domineering nature he or she tries to dominate over the other and try to influence his or her decisions. When the other person resists, it results in family strife. When ego is involved, the domineering nature of one person may have serious consequence to the marriage. In the Indian traditional family, the typical husband and wife relationship is marked by male dominance and female sub serious.

Divorces under the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955:

The various grounds on which a husband or a wife can obtain divorce are:

→        living in adultery

→        Conversion to other religion

→        Insanity

→        Incurable form of leprosy

→        Venereal disease

→        Renunciation

→        If the husband has more than one wife living

→        If he has been guilty or rape, sodomy or bestiality


In this chapter account of research methodology is presented which widened objective of study. Research Design, Sample Universe and research tool is present.

Title of the study:

A Study of Psycho Social Conditions of 80 Young Divorced Women Residing in 10 Villages of Karmsad Taluka, Dist. Anand

Significance of the study:

The divorce person still carries on implication of wrongdoing. The divorce is often regarded as transgressor, who has committed a wrong against family. When other believers that divorced person has offended the social norms. The later trends to view him are the light. The “celibate” breakdown of marital roles also threatens the society values of marital permanence and hence constitutes social problems.

Divorce is a social problem because it has above mentioned consequences and it disorganizes the family and person instability in society. It is social problem also because of its legal and moral social and statistical confusions one group of people believers that the ills of the broken home are related to unsolved social problem in all institutions such as crime juvenile delinquency or mental disease has bounded divorce as the national intendance.

Divorce is a problem because no one series of principles underlying marriage is wholly acceptable to everybody. It is also found that children in the broken home where father or mother is absent often fall prey to juvenile delinquency a sense of quite often attaches to the children of divorce because their parents have somehow transgressed the more and such a child face moral problem which a child whose parents have child never faces.

It the divorce women lack economic resources the child may go for employment at an earlier age before completing education such has adjustment problems peer group status and role changes in a group. Since divorce creates many other problems and it becomes studied deeply and extensively. As a social worker we deal with problems, which affect the human beings personality social as whole and also institution in the society. The rate of divorce is also increasing rapidly it affects the whole functioning of the family well as society.

Objectives of the study:

  1. To analyze causes of divorce.
  2. To study their maturity level, marital adjustment, family cohesion and adaptability to their decision for divorce
  3. To know reaction of the family members, neighbors, society, and Support extended.
  4. To study women who have undergone the trauma of divorce and their present psycho-socio status
  5. To study effect of divorce on their children and family.
  6. To know their person opinion on divorce


They are two sets of variables Independent and Dependent.

Independent variable

Includes personal information like Age, education, background,   occupation etc.

Dependent variable

Variable pertaining to the psychological and social condition after divorced.

Research Design:

The purpose behind the study is to collect factual information therefore research design is exploratory as it explore the facts about the psychological and social conditions of the women after divorced. Therefore the research Design is Exploratory cum Descriptive.


Universe consisted of all the divorced women residing in 10 villages in Karmsad Taluka.


The samples consist of 80 respondents residing in the 10 villages of karmsad Taluka, of Anand District.

The villages are Karmsad,Valasan, Bhadaran, Zarola, Sisva, Valvod, Anklav, Asodar, Joshikuva, Vadeli and Nisraya.

The above mentioned villages were selected as per the availability of favorable transportation. The data was collected by adopting simple random sampling.

Tool Of Data Collection :

The data was collected through Interview schedule

Data Analysis

Data has been analyzed with the help of single variable tables, with mean median and mode and percentage.


Age group

64% of respondents were from the age group of 21 to 30

33% of respondents were from the age group of 31 to 40

03% of respondents were from the age group of 41 to 50.

Thus, the majority of the respondents were from the age group of 21 to 30 years i.e. 64%.

Marriage age

90% of respondents were married when their age was between 18 to 23years.

Children of respondents

70% of respondents do not have children.

Thus, the majority of respondents do not have children i.e. 70%

Present living situation

67% of respondents were living with their parents.

Thus, the majority of respondents were living with their parents i.e. 67%.

Method of marriage

81% of respondents had done arranged marriage.

19% of respondents had done love marriage.

Thus, the majority of respondents had done arranged marriage i.e. 81%.

Method of selection of spouse

52% of respondents had freedom to choose their spouse.

19% of respondents had done love marriage.

Thus, the majority of respondents had freedom to choose their spouse i.e.52%.

Awareness regarding daily activity

86% of respondents were aware of daily activities of their spouse.

14% of respondents were not aware of daily activities of their spouse.

Thus the majority of respondents were aware of daily activities of their spouse i.e. 86%.

Time period of adopted environment and culture

28% of respondents were easily adopted the culture and environment.

48% of respondents were taken some time for adopted the culture and environment.

Thus, the majority of respondents were taken some time for adopted the culture and environment i.e. 48%.

Conflict due to different nature

71% of respondents replied that conflicts were arises due to the differences in nature

29% of respondents replied that conflicts were not arises due to the differences in nature.

Thus, the majority of respondents replied that conflicts were arises due to the differences in nature i.e. 71%.

Period of started quarreling after marriage

44% of respondents were replied that conflict started after one year of marriage

29% of respondents were replied that conflict started after two year of marriage.

Thus, the majority of respondents were replied that conflict started after one year of marriage i.e. 44%.

Permission for participate in religious and social function

69% of respondents were participated in religious and social function.

Participation in decision making process

67% of respondents had participated decision making process in family

33% of respondents had not participated decision making process in family.

Thus, the majority of respondents had participated decision making process in family i.e. 67%.

Satisfaction for spouse time spending

Thus, the majority of respondents replied that their spouse spend enough time with them i.e. 71%.

Satisfaction in sexual relation

85% of respondents were satisfied with the sexual relation of their spouse.

15% of respondents were not satisfied with the sexual relation of their spouse.

Thus, the majority of respondents were satisfied with the sexual relation of their spouse i.e. 85%.

Confidentiality level

47% of respondents had fullest confide on their spouse.

20% of respondents had always doubted on their spouse.

29% of respondents had often doubted on their spouse.

04% of respondents had confided other times on their spouse.

Thus, the majority of respondents had fullest confide on their spouse i.e. 47%.

Harassment before divorce

77% of respondents were harassed before divorce.

23% of respondents were not harassed before divorce.

Thus, the majority of respondents were harassed before divorce i.e. 77%.

Types of harassment

25% of respondents were harassed by physical beating.

48% of respondents were harassed by mental harassment.

04% of respondents were harassed by sexually harassment.

23% of respondents were not harassed.

Thus, the majority of respondents were harassed by mental harassment i.e. 48%.

Harassment by whom

41% of respondents were harassed by husband.

28% of respondents were harassed by in-laws.

09% of respondents were harassed by husband and in-laws.

22% of respondents were not harassed.

Thus, the majority of respondents were harassed by husband i.e. 41%.

Behavior at anger ness

49% of respondents were worked and controlled temper at anger ness.

41% of respondents were tried to compromise at anger ness.

10% of respondents were not feeling of anger ness.

Thus, the majority of respondents was worked and controlled temper at anger ness i.e. 49%.

Types of confidence in love and affection

47% of respondents were often doubted in love and affection of their spouse.

06% of respondents were always doubted in love and affection of their spouse…

29% of respondents have other types of confidence in love and affection of their spouse.

18% of respondents had not confidence in love and affection of their spouse.

Thus, the majority of respondents were often doubted in love and affection of their spouse i.e. 47%.

Reason for ego conflict

16% of respondents had ego conflict due to education.

18% of respondents had ego conflict due to employment.

19% of respondents had ego conflict due to income.

47% of respondents had ego conflict due to other matter (carrier, self-identity, good looking).

Thus, the majority of respondents had ego conflict due to other matter (carrier, self-identity, good looking) i.e. 47%.

Initiation for divorce

31% of respondents viewed that divorce matter initiated by husband.

46% of respondents initiated for divorce by Husband.

Thus, the majority of respondents viewed that divorce matter initiated by husband i.e. 46%

Place of divorce

16% of respondents had taken divorce in court.

84% of respondents had taken divorce in society.

Divorce by own

64% of respondents had taken divorce own.

36% of respondents had not taken divorce own.

Thus, the majority of respondents had taken divorce own i.e. 64%.

Feeling to right decision

51% of respondents felt to right decision for divorce.

13% of respondents not felt to right decision for divorce.

36% of respondents were not gave divorce by own.

Thus, the majority of respondents felt to right decision for divorce i.e. 51%.

Parents support in divorce decision

50% of respondents had supported by parents in divorce decision.

14% of respondents had not supported by parents in divorce decision.

36% of respondents had not taken divorce decision.

Thus, the majority of respondents had supported by parents in divorce decision i.e. 50%.

Reason for divorce

19% of respondents had quarreled due to money matter.

12% of respondents had quarreled due to problem of children.

20% of respondents had quarreled due to carrier decision.

50% of respondents had quarreled due to philosophy of life.

28% of respondents had quarreled due to excessive interference by in-laws.

6% of respondents had quarreled due to sexual relationship.

11% of respondents had quarreled due to extra marital relation.

15% of respondents had quarreled due to other reasons.

Thus, the majority of respondents had quarreled due to philosophy of life i.e. 50%.

Unhappiness without justified cause

71% of respondents were unhappy without justified cause.

29% of respondents were not unhappy without justified cause.

Thus, the majority of respondents were unhappy without justified cause i.e. 71%.

Temper loosed easily and often after divorce

62% of respondents had loosed temper easily and often after divorce.

38% of respondents had not loosed temper easily and often after divorce.

Thus the majority of respondents had loosed temper easily and often after divorce i.e. 62%.

Troubled of regular insomnia after divorce

55% of respondents had troubled of regular insomnia after divorce.

45% of respondents had not troubled of regular insomnia after divorce.

Thus, the majority of respondents had troubled of regular insomnia after divorce i.e. 55%.

The fluctuation of mood from depression after divorce

53% of respondents were fluctuated of mood from depression after divorce.

47% of respondents were not fluctuated of mood from depression after divorce.

Upset for disturbance in routine life after divorce

70% of respondents were upset for disturbance in routine life after divorce.

30% of respondents were not upset for disturbance in routine life after divorce.

Afraid without real cause after divorce

66% of respondents were afraid without real cause after divorce.

34% of respondents were not afraid without real cause after divorce.

Thinking always rights and wrongs others

38% of respondents were thoughts that they always right and wrong others.

62% of respondents were not thoughts that they always right and wrong others.

Feeling of loneliness in life

75% of respondents had felt loneliness in life after divorce.

25% of respondents had not felt loneliness in life after divorce.

Thus, the majority of respondents had felt loneliness in life after divorce i.e. 75%.

Feeling at stressful condition

18% of respondents felt relaxed and happy at stressful condition.

40% of respondents felt insecurity at stressful condition.

13% of respondents felt angry at stressful condition.

29% of respondents felt guilt at stressful condition.

Thus, the majority of respondents felt insecurity at stressful condition i.e. 40%.

Types of harassment by society after divorce

21% of respondents harassed from mental torches.

05% of respondents harassed from abuse words.

74% of respondents were not harassed by parents/society.

Thus, the majority of respondents were not harassed by parents/Society i.e. 74%.

Plan for become independent after divorce

23% of respondents want to search job for being independent.

25% of respondents want to do further study for being independent.

47% of respondents want to do vocational training for being independent.

05% of respondents viewed other for being independent.

Thus, the majority of respondents want to do vocational training for being independent i.e. 47%.


In Indian society there are so many types of social problems. In all the problems the divorce is also one of the major social problems. The problem of divorce affected to men, women, children and their family. As a human being the both spouses with each other and also with the family the problem of divorce occurred. The term of divorce known as “dissolution of marriage” divorce means the both spouses departure. There are several social factors strain marriage and leads to divorce. The differences in family background and status of the spouses, family structure, immaturity and age disparity between the spouses are often reported to have strained marital relationship. And the other factors like of lack of understanding, lack of adjustment, sexual adjustment, education gap etc. In current period the problem of adjustment happened in young generation and it’s resulted in divorce. Mostly the problem of divorce seen in scheduled caste. Divorce is one social evil within a short period of marital life. The divorce effect on women which makes her to think as an inferior person. The divorce makes an obstacle on women’s empowerment of scheduled caste women. The divorce affected psychologically and socially to the women’s life. The problem arises due to marital adjustment within the husband in laws. This study was conducted with a view to explore the causes of divorces and the psycho social effects of divorce among women. It has been found that due to adjustment with the spouse and with the in laws. Women faced problem of harassment like mentally torcher and physically harassment by because of suspecting. And the problem or conflict increased and whenever no any solution of the problem both the spouses depart to each other. The both spouses nit adjusted philosophy in life. The problem lead to after divorce psychological and social conditions. After divorce women faced and imbalance in their social and psychological position. Women faced psychological problems like always worried and unable of concentration they loosing temper easily and felt troubled in regular insomnia. They upset in disturbance in routine life. They are feeling loneliness in life. The social problem faced women like parents support in life they not participated in religious and social function. They felt marital life is a women exploitation and they want to become establish their own identity and make a carrier for better future.


  1. A great deal of anxiety and problems after marriages comes up due to couples not being prepared for the marriage/marital life and problems arising out of them. Adequate counseling for both the partners before 6 months preferably where all aspects of marriage and the after math are made clear. This can be achieved by parents at home
  2. In most cases, it is observed that economic dependency of ladies for livelihood makes them to great disadvantage anxiety and worries for future life were found to be at a higher level among the respondents.
  3. The roles and responsibilities of a newly married couple impose certain amount of anxiety which should be handled tactfully. The couple should get accustomed with the responsibilities that go with the roles they take up from time to time like for example – from role of wife/husband to a role of mother/father.
  4. Since the problem of divorce today been evoked at a very great rate, preparation of individuals (couples and families both) for marriage and it’s before and after consequence are very much needed. A sort of counseling should be done an expert with adequate knowledge of family welfare and behavior science and psychology.


  1. The respondents were hesitant to disclose personal information.
  2. In many cases, the respondents were contacted according to their convenience.
  3. The divorce resides in far different villages.
  4. Respondents not gave freely responses.
  5. It was difficult to know perfect reason for divorce.

The authors profoundly appreciate all the people who have successfully contributed in ensuring this paper is in place. Their contributions are acknowledged however their names cannot be able to be mentioned.

The authors declare this paper to bear not a conflict of interests

This is an Open Access Research distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any Medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Responding Author Information

Nidhi A. Patel @

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Article Overview

ISSN 2348-5396

ISSN 2349-3429

DIP: 18.02.002/20160101

DOI: 10.25215/2455/0101002

Published in

Volume 01, Issue 1, January - March, 2016

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