
Open Access



Gandhi and Premchand’s social concerns

Dr. Minaxi N Jani

DIP: 18.02.009/20160101

DOI: 10.25215/2455/0101009

Received: February 02, 2016; Revision Received: February 24, 2016; Accepted: March 25, 2016


The present article is about Mahatma Gandhi during the speech of Gorakhpur in year announced British rule to declare the non-cooperation movement. Premchandji made the stories with the goal of Achieving swaraj included swaraj’s protection, Oddly problems, Bizaree holi, Lal Fita, States devotee, Tyagi’s love rights concern, Rights concern and ideal. Opposition, Hazrat Ali, Temples and Mosques, violence religions, liberation donation etc are the main stories included.


When the country was enslaved in chains of slavery, Mahatma Gandhi gave the freedom to the people to free us from such chains in the twentieth century. In the 20th century if there was Mahatma Gandhi in field of politics, he would have been able to liberate the country by bringing people. and awakening them from satyagraha and creative tendencies. Gandhijis ideas were influenced on writer’s life and their wind of the time. In which effect of Gandhis thought was influenced on Premchandjis mind. And that is why we also see Gandhian thoughts especially in literature of Premchandji.

In the year 1996 Premchandji accepted the importance of Gandhiji written in the role of karamveer Gandhi and he wrote “Mahatma Gandhis debut has led to the development of strange energy and animosity in national life of India. Before your Arrival our leaders did not see any way of practical industry. Mahatmaji showed our leaders the path. For this reason it is said that in the twentieth century two men awoke the comfort of India. In the field of politics of Mahatma Gandhi was there than in the world of Literature of Premchandji was there. As the fore runner of Indian social and political revolution both of them positions are great and equal by knowing Premchand we find Gandhi spontaneously. By practicing fields of Literature and politics with their talent and work the power. Premchand and Gandhi was the person who opened the possibilities of their welfare in civilization culture stemmed from soil of the country by not being an admirer of any western system.


During the satyagraha movement of Gandhiji, women had a large numbers of shares done. That’s why women awakening was also a major part of their movement Gandhiji believed that every part of society should get complete right of self determination whether she is a women or a man.

Premchands female characters are mixing up with man and showing struggles in different areas of life. That too with the Purity of their character and Purity of their marital life. Gandhiji also recognizes the power of women. Gandhiji had a complete faith that women is an idol of sacrifice. Whenever the Women does something pure and right, she shakes the mountain.3

The effect of Non-cooperation movement

Mahatma Gandhi during the speech of Gorakhpur in year announced British rule to declare the non-cooperation movement. Trends of this movement were divided into two parts.

  • Structured
  • Constructive

In structured part, under the trends government employees had called for resigning from their jobs. At that time though Premchand was ill, he went to hear the speech with his whole family. Gandhijis speech was that customary or consulting that he convinced his wife shivrani Devi and resigned for from government job. after working ever there till 21 years. He resigned on 16th February, 1921.

Since then till the last moment of life Mahatma Gandhis non-violence Satyagraha Movement remained based on truth, religion and justice. that is why Premchandji used to think Mahatma Gandhi as great leader.

The way Gandhiji wanted to do good for country, he wanted a unity between Hindu and Muslims he always wanted our country to be united so till his last breathe he remained to be a true Hindustani.

Workers in the eyes of Gandhi and Premchand

Premchand himself admits that he is influenced by Mahatma Gandhis great qualities to become his disciple. In this affirmation Premchand says “In this world I consider Mahatma Gandhi the largest and greatest person. Their purpose is also that the laborers and tenants should be happy and also he is agitating for those people to pursue. I am writing and by writing I am encouraging them.

Influence on the Literature of creative trends

All aspects related to Gandhiji national movement, freedom struggle, Satyagraha, untouchability, Hindu Muslim Unity, women empowerment, Boycott of foreign objects exists in Literature of Premchand with his creative form. The effect bad expression of indigenous love begins with getting admission in Gandhiji’s politics. in premchands literature. Premchand’s women and untouchable character got rich affinity like Gandhi. Premchands novel presents a live interpretation of Gandhis ideology.

Imagery of communal harmony

Karmabhoomi is the third important novel of Premchand. In which yoga, women awakening, temple entry, heart change. Non violent movement, settlement, political event was created on compromise and obvious effect of Gandhi darshan can be seen.

In these novel all the sections of society get together and fight violently in foreign power and its allies. This fight is been called for untouchables and farmers interest. Premchands stories also compliment the ideals of Gandhiji.

Premchandji made the stories with the goal of Achieving swaraj included swaraj’s protection, Oddly problems, Bizaree holi, Lal Fita, States devotee, Tyagi’s love rights concern, Rights concern and ideal. Opposition, Hazrat Ali, Temples and Mosques, violence religions, liberation donation etc are the main stories included. Premchandji wrote a “Karbala” drama to make a communal harmony. Five Gods and chess players are such stories that imagination of Premchandji communal unity comes true Despite “Mantra” story being a victim of evil it also plays a role towards goodness. Like Gandhiji Premchand also never discriminated between Hindi and Urdu the mixed languages and also he was helpmate of that languages. Both Gandhi and Premchand were symbol of life of simplicity and simplicity.

Premchand associated with Gandhijis national movement to fight against imperialist forces and free the country from supremacy and cooperate with his pen with great loyalty.

Premchand had his greatness that he had country’s poor man struggle for contacted victims and society disadvantage people and that is why his literature is not a literature of freedom and struggle. “Premashram” is the first creation of premchand in which Premchand himself expresses the Gandhian effect. The nature of this “Premashram” is same as Mahatma Gandhi ‘Transvaal’ had tried to establish the kind of Ashram in Nepal and Gujarat. Due to being sensitized and sensitive to Yogbudha, Gandhiji’s personality and personality influenced on Premchand is very broad.

The authors profoundly appreciate all the people who have successfully contributed in ensuring this paper is in place. Their contributions are acknowledged however their names cannot be able to be mentioned.

The authors declare this paper to bear not a conflict of interests

This is an Open Access Research distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any Medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

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Dr. Minaxi N Jani @

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Article Overview

ISSN 2348-5396

ISSN 2349-3429

DIP: 18.02.009/20160101

DOI: 10.25215/2455/0101009

Published in

Volume 01, Issue 1, January - March, 2016

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