Original Study

Open Access



A Non-Invasive Approach for Anemia Eradication Through Community Based Mass Screening of Rural Population

Partha Pratim Das Mahapatra , Chaitali Roy , Sudip Roy Chowdhury , Pritam Sahoo , Piyali Das Mahapatra

DIP: 18.02.005/20230803

DOI: 10.25215/2455/0803005

Received: August 16, 2023; Revision Received: August 23, 2023; Accepted: July 25, 2023


Background: Anaemia has been a major issue all over the world. More so ever, its impact can be seen in the regions with poor resource settings. In developing countries like India, it becomes a major highlight to determine some effective and affordable health care solutions, which could be accessible for people of all economic groups. This study was conducted with a purpose to determine the prevalence of anaemia as per the no-invasive device which will help in the preliminary screening for anaemia among the rural population. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted on 1637 individuals of Barchana sub-centre of Jajpur district, having age 5 years and above. Individuals demographic details like age, gender and other details like drinking water source, smoking habit, etc. were captured using the mobile app of the EzeCheck device. Results: The rate of prevalence of anaemia was found to be highest (75.7%) among the women population having age> 15 years, which was followed by children (53.8%) aged 5-11 years, 47.6% in children aged 12-14 years and lastly 36.3% among male individuals of age 15 years and above. No significant association was observed between the anaemia prevalence and drinking water source habitat. Conclusion: Our findings suggest, anaemia is a widespread disease among the rural parts of the country, which needs screening on regular basis to determine its status. But due to lack of proper healthcare facilities in under-developed areas as well as phobia of needles among individuals especially children, regular monitoring for anaemia is difficult. In such cases, we need non-invasive approaches which could help us determine the haemoglobin levels for easy and effective monitoring for anaemia.

The authors profoundly appreciate all the people who have successfully contributed to ensuring this paper in place. Their contributions are acknowledged however their names cannot be mentioned.

The author(s) declared no conflict of interest with respect to the research, authorship, and publication of this article.

This is an Open Access Research distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (www.creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any Medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Responding Author Information

Partha Pratim Das Mahapatra @ partha@ezerx.in

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Article Overview

ISSN 2348-5396

ISSN 2349-3429

DIP: 18.02.005/20230803

DOI: 10.25215/2455/0803005

Published in

Volume 08 Issue 3, July– September, 2023

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