The present paper deals with one of the greatest poets of all time, John Milton, who as a poet has written some amazing pieces of work that are immortal in the history of English Literature. Here we would like to discuss three of his greatest poems namely Lycidas, L’Allegro and Li Penseroso in order to analyse his greatness as a poet. Is poetic genius is at its best when we talk about these three poems, of course, Paradise Lost is another story. Lycidas by Milton is highly popular elegy written on the death of his friend Edward King. On the other hand L’Allegro and Li Penseroso are companion poems written with a specific purpose. So, let us try to discuss them in detail to get the output that we require.
The authors profoundly appreciate all the people who have successfully contributed to ensuring this paper in place. Their contributions are acknowledged however their names cannot be mentioned.
The author declared no conflict of interest.
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© 2016, Author(s)
Responding Author Information
Kaushik Parmar @ info@ijsi.in
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