This paper delves into the intricate relationship between psychological factors, such as anxiety and motivation, and their influence on students’ academic success, particularly in the domains of mathematics and science. The study emphasizes the role of parents and teachers in shaping students’ attitudes and highlights interventions to alleviate anxiety and boost motivation for optimal learning outcomes. The paper explores the prevalence of science anxiety in District Raipur, shedding light on its early onset and persistence into adulthood. Additionally, it discusses the impact of science anxiety on cognitive resources and effective problem-solving techniques, as revealed through recent neuroscientific research. The correlation between science achievement, performance anxiety, and motivation in high school students is examined, showcasing the diverse academic choices influenced by individual motivations. The role of teachers and parents in shaping students’ attitudes and performance is also explored, emphasizing the need for positive influences in both the classroom and home settings. The paper concludes with insights into interventions aimed at reducing performance anxiety and increasing motivation, offering a comprehensive approach to foster a positive attitude towards science education.