Capital structure choices have been the main choices to be taken by the finance specialists in a corporate area association. The investigation plans to dissect the impact of productivity, substantial quality, size and liquidity on capital structure choices of the recorded organizations in oil and gas organizations in India. The examination endeavors to give data that may help in taking capital structure choices in recorded organizations of oil and gas area of India, which will eventually uphold in boost of the estimation of firms on the one side and the minimization of cost of capital on the opposite side. The outcomes demonstrated that productivity is the main variable that indicated negative relationship against the reliant variable influence, though the other three factors, liquidity, size and substantial quality have positive relationship with influence. The examination presumes that capital structure choices in significant oil and gas area organizations are generally dictated by the components considers. The examination validates the discoveries of the greater part of the explores led on capital structure, presuming that there is an ideal capital structure that is influenced by an assortment of interior and outer elements.