
Open Access



Controlling elements of woman rights

Dr. Bhupendra M Gajera

DIP: 18.02.008/20160101

DOI: 10.25215/2455/0101008

Received: January 05, 2016; Revision Received: February 05, 2016; Accepted: March 25, 2016


The present article describe regarding elements that control women rights. Elements like religious traditions, absence of education, disparity regarding nutrition, food and ignorance of women in economic field are discussed.


We believe that now India id on the path of development. Meaning of our belief is only with reference to economic development. If we say in terms of economic word “Development” is not indicative only of positive change but relative to human welfare also. It means, there is an expectation of welfare in overall development of men-women, children and aged persons. But, the fact with reference to it is rather different, because development of human culture historically presents an endeavor for human rights and their acceptance. We have entered in twenty first century, even though women are still struggling for their rights. Our scientists are dreaming to across out the space on one side, but on the other hand women are far away from the real word of development, struggling for their rights. They are suffering from family violence, exploitation and rape. They are living with the old concepts of “Every person has right to live.” Need of acceptance of women rights and safety is essential for prevent such inhuman phenomena in future.

Government and NGOs are constantly active for protection of economic, social, health, education and political rights of women at national and international level. Importance of women awareness and their rights is established in India due to this considering efforts done at world level regarding women rights. Arrangement of seminars, conference and discussion are happening to make conscious regarding women rights. It is undisputed, women believe that their development is choked. Pandit Javaharlal Nehru has rightly said, “If you want to develop, you will have to develop women. Development of society will automatically happen, with the development of women.”


Constitution of India has given equality between men and women but it is fact that there is no harmony in role and their field of work. Women are became strengthened by constitution but they are victimized of exploitation and torment. One should know that social construction, cultural criteria, values and traditions, interaction between man and women, dealings of women in society etc. are decisive factors of women rights, with the awareness of women rights. Among these, the most important are hereditary traditions, family generation system, marriage, consanguinity and religious traditions. They give ideology and moral support to men and women for so many rights and beliefs of duties. The main controlling elements of women rights are as under:

  1. Religious tradition and dogma

Women were kept aloof from rituals and learning of Vedas. The only duty was understood is serve father during childhood, mother during younger and children during old age. It was believed that they are inferior to men and their only duty is to serve men. Birth of boy was believed prestigious and they were insult while birth of girl. Widows were not permitted to participate in religious and social ceremonies. Widow Remarriage Act was passed in 1856AD even though widow remarriage was not possible. Male mendicants were considered superior to female mendicants during Buddhist era. There is no right to become priest and to worship in mosque to women in Islam. Christian women can take part in religious ceremonies but no position is conferred to women in organization of Church. Parsee man is not considered as a blot when he marries to non-Parsee woman, but Parsee women are not given such right.

In this way, there is no difference regarding rights to women in every religion. Change is occurred in rights of widow remarriage, education and property due to reformatory movements done by Brahmo Samaj, Arya Samaj and Prarthana Samaj.

  1. Absence of education

Discrimination was kept between education of men and women till today. To obtain education for man is considered more important than women. Education of man is considered arrogant. Special facilities are given to man for education. While desire of women for education is suppressed. Here education is considered void. Having the objective of education for earning, usefulness of education of women is considered as void.

It is said that all doors of life become open by education. There are very less number of women who have obtained education and become aware of their rights. Poor women both from urban area as well as rural area cannot obtain education. Due to this they became victimized of explanation and tyranny in every field of life like economic, social, political and cultural fields. The essence of absence of education is that, there is absence of self-confidence and self-reliance among them. and due to this, they are not able to solve their problems.

  1. Disparity regarding nutritious food

It is open that discord is kept regarding food among men and women in Indian family. Such discord is the first swoop on rights of women itself. According to Vivekanand, “Healthy mind resides in healthy body.” A person who is full with healthy mind can fight for his rights. According to a finding, majority of our population is victimized of malnutrition. 50% girls of age group of 1 to5 and 20% boys of the same age group are victimized of malnutrition.  so many diseases are originated due to absence of proper proportion of nutritious elements. and he/she has to face mental as well as physical unfairness. Direct effect of is happened on education of child.

Little girls are expected for domestic work, to take care of younger brothers and sisters and to do so many labor tasks even though their meal is the remained (residual) food after meal is taken by male person. While boy has nothing to do with labor task even though he has given full mean by saying that he is the lamp of family. He will have to hold responsibility of family.

  1. Ignorance of economic field

Women are giving their contribution in economic activities directly or indirectly. She holds whole responsibility on her shoulder of domestic work and makes free man for only economic earning. Not only that, she works shoulder to shoulder with man in economic earning including responsibility of domestic work. Farming and cattle rearing are some examples. Even though she is ignored in the matter of wealth. There is no boundary decided for the word ‘task’ for women. Yet, she gives 60% to 80% contribution in national economy. Even though her work is not included in total national production.

Women are doing labor as work in so many fields like men as on today also even though women are not given equal remuneration as men. It is believed that, women are physically, weaker than men and their capacity of work is lesser than men. So they are given lesser remuneration than men. Act of equal remuneration to men and women is in existence even though disparity is seen in earnings to them. Position of women in relation to hereditary property was so not so good. She has living as dependent person with her father before marriage and with her husband after marriage. It has improved after “Hindu Succession Act, 1956”.


It becomes clear from this discussion that there is disparity with reference to women rights in twenty first century too. Position of women is secondary in every field like religion, education, nutrition and property. Rights of men women are trying to strengthen rights of men, due to they are full with emotionality, apart from so many tries of NGOs and government, and they are neglecting themselves.

The authors profoundly appreciate all the people who have successfully contributed in ensuring this paper is in place. Their contributions are acknowledged however their names cannot be able to be mentioned.

The authors declare this paper to bear not a conflict of interests

This is an Open Access Research distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any Medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

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Dr. Bhupendra M Gajera @

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Article Overview

ISSN 2348-5396

ISSN 2349-3429

DIP: 18.02.008/20160101

DOI: 10.25215/2455/0101008

Published in

Volume 01, Issue 1, January - March, 2016

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