Fear of crime is an exceptionally pervasive issue today. It challenges the security of Gujarati social communities. Therefore, it has acquired impressive consideration among the sociologists and criminologists throughout the most recent 20 years. While men encountering moderately high paces of brutality, they report their fear of crime not as much as women. On the opposite women have a lot bigger fear of crime than men, yet are deceived not as much as men. This paper draws unique information gathered from inside and out meeting with 50 women matured 19 to 55 in Gujarat. Accounts gave by women remembered for this examination are utilized all through the paper as methods for causing them to notice the point that fear isn’t something that occurs out of the unique situation yet is arranged in the social subtleties of people’s conditions and the way of life. The creators of this paper coordinated their meeting around a significant hypothetical and observational separation in investigations of fear of crime between approaches that consider fear to be a side-effect of the actual environment and those that have accentuated the social idea of fear. The aftereffect of examination shows that the degree of fear that an individual holds relies upon numerous elements including sexual orientation, age, past experience of being deceived, the area where one lives, etc. In light of the finding of this exploration, women stated that they are more fearful of crime than men. Regardless of whether in the commercial center, or the city, it is the fear of sexual savagery and harassment from which supports women high fear.