Adolescence is an individual’s transition from childhood into adulthood during which physical, psychological and social changes take place. It is a phase when they are more likely to involve in thrill seeking behaviour which can give rise to physical or mental health issues among them. It is estimated that 9.8 millions of adolescents aged 13-17 suffer from mental illness around the world. The mental health of adolescents is a growing concern in India as it has the largest adolescent population. During this phase they face many challenges like searching for self-identity, deal with peer pressure, academic pressure, cyber bullying etc.
According to the Mental Health Survey which was carried out in 2015-2016, it was reported that there is 7% prevalence of psychiatric disorder amongst adolescents around the globe. Adloescents in India are suffering from depression, anxiety and other mental health. Globally India has the highest suicide rate.
To tackle the issue of mental health it is the need of the hour to apply positive psychology in one’s daily life. Positive psychology focuses more on strengths and virtues of the individual which enable the individual to thrive and survive.
Positive psychology helps an individual to shift their negative outlook to a more optimistic view which ultimately helps in improving one’s quality of life. There are a number of positive psychology interventions like practicing mindfulness, gratitude, self-awareness, realizing one’s worth, enhancing resilience etc. which can make a person happy for a short term but if continued can improve one’s psychological health.