Meow – Meow is a latest street drug available in the market as a recreational and euphoretic agent at minimal rate when compared to other prominent agents like cocaine, heroin etc. Chemically it is 4 – Methyl Methcathinone or 4 – Methyl ephedrone, which has various pharmacological and severe harmful effects. The maximum effect is produced when the agent is snorted. It is mostly used by teenagers with high prevalence rate who are doing their schooling, high schooling as well as professional college students around the globe especially in the age group of 15 – 30 years. The agents might be used accounting for various factors such as easy availability, cheap rate and excessive stimulant action. Even though this agent produces such a high level of stimulation and euphoria it is short lived and leads to permanent deterioration of health or even death of the user. The social impact of such an agent should be viewed seriously as it destroys the future generation of any country especially in a developing country like India. The compound can be ordered online and will be delivered to the door step of prospective buyers. The compound being a novel agent it is not included under the narcotics and psychotropic substances act of 1958 of India, hence control by the authorities is limited. In such a scenario, social awareness of such a notorious agent among the mist of young and energetic future citizens of any country should be taken up as a social responsibility.